Board of Directors
Barbara McLaughlin – President
Lane deMoll – Secretary
Lucy Brook – Treasurer

We are actively looking for new community-minded Board members. Contact us to explore possibilities: info@fulcrumresources.org

Fulcrum was originally incorporated as a 501c3 tax exempt organization named Nehalem Bay Communities Center, Inc. (NBCCI) in 1994.

In Spring 2005, Lane deMoll and Tom Bender from the Lower Nehalem Community Trust and Lola Sorenson from the Manzanita Creative Arts Council discovered that the wall panels specified for the creation of an art gallery at the North County Recreation District  (NCRD) were going to cost $400 each instead of the $40 each budgeted in their Arts Builds Communities Grant from the Oregon Arts Commission. What to do?!

Mark Beach, President of the Nehalem Bay Communities Center, Inc. (NBCCI) heard of our plight and stepped forward, offering $4,500 to save the gallery project. The only condition was that we take over the dormant corporation and its remaining funds – about $3000 – to support other community projects.  Seemed like a no brainer to us.

Here volunteers, Judy Sorrel and Vivi Tallman, are hanging the first show - Art About Community - at the North County Recreation District Gallery in November, 2005.

Judy Sorrel and Vivi Tallman hang the first show – Art About Community – at the North County Recreation District Gallery in November, 2005.

NBCCI had been set up in 1994 as a legal structure for the North County Recreation District’s building (NCRD) before it was a Special District of the State of Oregon. Founding members of NBCCI were Mark Beach, Richard Stein, Kay Covert, Harry Rinehart, and Dale Stockton. When NCRD received its special district status, the non-profit was no longer needed. It was used a few times over the years to help other groups who were just starting out by providing tax-exempt status for initial donations for projects such as the Eugene Schmuck Foundation and publication of the historical book about Neahkahnie, At the Foot of the Mountain, by Jane Comerford.

Following that generous offer in Spring 2005, a new NBCCI Board was formed to take over responsibilities from Mark Beach. New Board members were added: Tom Bender (President), Lucy Brook (Treasurer), Charlene Gernert (Secretary), and Lola Sorensen (Lola later resigned when she moved from the area).

In the Spring of 2006, we were ready to activate the organization to provide the kinds of community resource services that many small local projects were needing. Using some of the remaining funds for legal assistance from Tillamook County non-profit attorney, Deb Dyson, the name was changed to Fulcrum Community Resources and the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws were updated. Lane deMoll, Barbara McLaughlin, and Greg Movsesyan were added as board members. See above for the current board of Directors.